1. Why does writing play such an important place in your life?

My desire to write was born from a period of boredom. I was locked in an office all day and to kill time I had fun writing a short story a day which had to fit on one page, with a beginning and an end. It then became like a necessary sport, a daily workout. Then I wanted to get into a subject, to follow a character but always in this approach of very short chapters, which one after the other would end up becoming a book.

Book by Mahault Malloret

2. What future do you imagine for writing in this world increasingly focused on images?

I cannot imagine the disappearance of the book object. The books will always stay, because the people who read them love them too much. And anyway, in terms of image, it will always be in good taste to have a library to decorate your living room ...

Beyond that, I think that all the new means of expression that are at our disposal are good, particularly via social networks which impose constraints of limited characters, which require us to be concise, effective, I don't use them but It makes me think of the days before free, when our phone plans were precious, every text counted. You had to have imagination to make yourself understood and avoid the “OR 4fé”. It was fun, a separate language, framed. The pitfall is that it comes out of this framework, spills over into school copies and the lazy simplification of words and language such as "farmacie" instead of "pharmacy", does not completely please me. . 

3. Tell me about three women who changed your life.

Dorothy (character from the film The Wizard of Oz): it was the first aesthetic shock of my life. The first time I admired the beauty of a young woman, who could not be given an age. She had everything of childhood and at the same time I admired her as you admire your big sister or your teacher. Lost, uprooted by a storm, she had to manage to find her way back... I envied her adventure and often dreamed of something exceptional happening to me.

Jane campion : after seeing “an angel at my table” his film which paints the magnificent portrait of Janet Frame, I wanted to see everything. It was the first time I was interested in someone's work in its entirety.

Annie Saumont : Queen of the short story, who has just left us. The desire to write comes from her, I believe, she is one of those authors who inspire and make you want to write. For me, the short story is one of the most difficult forms of writing, and when it's successful, there's nothing better. We owe him in particular the translation of The Catcher in the Rye by JD Sallinger.

Mahault Malloret writer

4. What is your motto?

« Impose your luck, hold your happiness and go towards your risk. Looking at you, they'll get used to it. » 

René Char

5. “Ad misse” is to authorize oneself. 

These days, what should a woman know how to allow herself?

Everything, daring everything, all the time. Don't apologize for being in someone else's shoes. Don't just apologize for being.

Mahault Malloret

6. What is an Admitted woman?

The Admitted woman has no age. It is a woman who, by wearing the tailor, becomes an improved version of itself. A suit like a suit in the noble sense of the term. I, an Admitted woman, store my suit next to my beautiful dresses for special occasions.

Woman Allowed

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